TheRSF•RKF series is compact and includes high-torque AC servo actuators with high rotational accuracy and flange output combining a speed reducer Hamonic Drive® for precision control and an AC servo motor.This is combined with a dedicated servo driver that fully demonstrates the performance of the RKF·RKF series of implements compact machines and equipment with a high rotational accuracy.
• compact and lightweight
• High power
• High positioning and high rotational accuracies
Used for:
• Semiconductor manufacturing systems
• FPD manufacturing systems
• Electromic component insertion machines
• Measurement analytical and test systems

Type: RSF series (Shaft output ), RKF series (Flange output)
RSF series: 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, 32
RKF series: 20, 25, 32
Version symbol: A
Harmonic Drive® Reduction ratio: 50,100
Encoder type E: Incremental encoder
Encoder resolution 200: 2000p/rev
Special specification (Suffix "SP" is only special specification)

*1: Detector resolution is calculated by (Motor shaft resolution) x4x (Reduction ratio)
*2: HA-520 does only position control.
HA-655 does speed control and position control. |

• RSF-17A

RSF-20A, 25A, 32A

• RKF-20A, 25A, 32A
